Extensive Research Links Green Tea to Healthy Aging

Green Tea has been valued for its potential health benefits for thousands of years.

It is a rich source of antioxidants, particularly catechins such as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which contribute to its health-promoting properties.

Today, modern science is validating centuries of tradition.

Large studies have established clear links between regular Green Tea consumption and improved health outcomes. 

“Green tea consumption overall may be considered beneficial for human health.” (1)

Green Tea Extract, in its concentrated form, has shown significant potential in addressing age-related concerns related to heart health, cognitive function, and metabolism.

Key Points:

Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated the potential health benefits of Green Tea, including:

  • A 13% reduction in overall mortality
  • Lowered age-related cognitive decline by 30-64% in large studies
  • Decreased mortality from heart disease (18-33%), and reduced incidence of stroke (17-36%) and heart attacks
  • Maintenance of DNA integrity
  • Boosted effects of exercise
  • Improved body composition in obesity
  • Support for blood sugar regulation

Green Tea Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Death

A study following over 90,000 people for nearly 19 years found a clear link between Green Tea consumption and reduced mortality.

“Compared with participants who drank less than one cup of green tea a day, those who drank 5 cups/day or more had 13% lower risk of dying from all causes in men and 17% lower risk in women.”

Supporting this connection, an analysis of 18 separate studies showed Green Tea consumption was linked to a 20% lower risk of death for those who drank the most compared to those that drank the least.

“Green tea consumption was inversely associated with mortality of CVD and all causes.”

Interestingly, each additional cup of Green Tea daily was linked to a 5% lower risk of heart disease death and a 4% lower risk of death from any cause.

Protects Against Brain Aging

Large, multi-year studies following thousands of middle-aged and older adults have linked Green Tea consumption to a reduced risk of cognitive decline by 30-64% (2, 3, 4).

“Daily green tea consumption may potentially have preventive effects on cognitive decline.” (2)

Several studies have identified potential effects of Green Tea on brain health:

  • Oxidative Stress: Regular Green Tea consumption was associated with lower markers of oxidative stress and higher levels of antioxidants (5)
  • Relaxation and Alertness: Green Tea Extract altered brainwaves towards relaxation and alertness, with participants feeling calmer and less stressed (6)
  • Working Memory: Green Tea Extract improved communication between brain regions crucial for working memory (7)

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease Death, Stroke, and Heart Attack

Numerous studies have looked into Green Tea’s heart health benefits.

To get a clearer picture, researchers use a powerful technique called meta-analysis, which combines data from multiple studies.

A review of these meta-analyses highlighted the cardioprotective effects of Green Tea consumption:

  • Heart Disease Death: Three meta-analyses found that Green Tea consumption lowered the risk of dying from heart-related issues by 18-33%
  • Stroke: Four meta-analyses showed a reduction in stroke incidence by 17-36% with Green Tea consumption
  • Heart Attack: A meta-analysis suggested that people who drink 1-3 cups of green tea daily have a lower risk of heart attack

Maintains DNA Integrity

Telomeres are protective caps on DNA that shorten with age and are associated with cellular aging.

An 8-week clinical trial linked obesity to shorter telomeres, but Green Tea supplementation reversed this effect.

“Green tea supplementation during eight weeks promotes telomere elongation in obese women.”

Additionally, a study tracking 1,952 participants for 6 years found that Green Tea was linked to slower telomere shortening, especially for women and younger people (aged 50-64).

“Green tea consumption may be protective against telomere shortening reflecting biological aging.”

Enhances Effects of Exercise

Green Tea has shown to boost the beneficial effects of exercise:

  • Weight Loss and Inflammation: Green Tea Extract (GTE) alongside exercise led to greater weight loss and reduced inflammation in overweight women compared to exercise alone (8)
  • Fat Burning: Two studies in healthy men found that GTE increased fat burning during exercise (9,10)
  • Oxidative Stress: In young men doing weight training, Green Tea consumption reduced muscle damage markers, increased antioxidant activity, and lowered oxidative stress indicators (11)

Improves Body Composition in Obesity

In a study of 36 obese patients, Green Tea Extract (379 mg daily for 3 months) improved body measurements, blood fat levels, and antioxidant status.

“This study confirms the beneficial influence of GTE supplementation on body mass, lipid profile, glucose, and TAS [Total Antioxidant Status] in obese patients.”

In another 3-month study, a higher dose of Green Tea Extract (856.8 mg daily) in women with central obesity resulted in weight loss, reduced waist circumference, and improved blood fat levels.

The researchers reported the extract may work by:

  • Suppressing ghrelin (hunger hormone)
  • Increasing adiponectin (fat burning and blood sugar hormone)

Supports Blood Sugar Regulation

A 3-month study on patients with obesity-related high blood pressure found that Green Tea Extract (379 mg daily) reduced fasting blood sugar and insulin levels.

A review of multiple studies showed Green Tea may also:

  • Increase feelings of fullness
  • Reduce hemoglobin A1c (a marker of long-term blood sugar levels)
  • Lower diastolic blood pressure

Low Bioavailability Improved By Advanced Delivery Systems

The health-promoting effects of Green Tea are attributed to a class of plant compounds known as catechins. The most abundant catechin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is believed to play a key role in these benefits.

Although Green Tea is rich in catechins, less than 1% of the catechins consumed orally reach the bloodstream due to breakdown during digestion (12).

“Its application as a therapeutic agent is limited due to some of its limitations such as stability, bioavailability, and biotransformation.” (13)

To address these challenges, scientists have developed advanced delivery systems that protect Green Tea compounds, enhancing their therapeutic efficacy (13, 14, 15).

“Liposomal epigallocatechin gallate exhibits better effects on inflammation and oxidative stress/antioxidant balance than epigallocatechin gallate.” (15)