Category Archives: Cardiovascular

Trimethylglycine (TMG) for Restoring Methylation, Homocysteine Levels, Heart Health, and Liver Function

TMG – the Insurance Policy Against Loss of Methyl Groups TMG is one of the most important ways to restore methyl groups because as the name implies, it has three methyl groups to donate. “The reason I take glycine, specifically trimethylglycine is to counter what I think may be going on with an NAD+ booster”… […]

Study Shows NMN Supplementation or CD38 Inhibition Restores Cardiovascular Function in Mice

CD38 Deficiency Alleviates Ang II-Induced Vascular Remodeling By Inhibiting Small Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Senescence In Mice (Lu Gan, June 2021) In this study, researchers investigated the impact of NMN supplementation and CD38 inhibition on the cardiovascular function in mice. Declining NAD+ levels are a major contributor to cardiovascular disease in mice. It […]