Author Archives: Rebecca Crews

Liposomal Glutathione Reduced Oxidative Stress and Improved Immune Function in Humans

Collectively, these preliminary findings support the effectiveness of daily liposomal GSH administration at elevating stores of GSH and impacting immune function and levels of oxidative stress.

Extensive Research Links Green Tea to Healthy Aging

Green Tea Extract, in its concentrated form, has shown significant potential in addressing age-related concerns related to heart health, cognitive function, and metabolism.

Large Variation Between Individuals in Response to NMN Supplementation

“Because of the high interindividual variability of the NADΔ after NMN supplementation, monitoring NAD concentration can provide valuable insights for tailoring personalized dosage regimens and optimizing NMN utilization.”

NMN (250 mg/day) Improves Sleep and Walking Speed in Older Adults

“These results indicate that NMN intake could increase blood NAD + levels, maintain walking speed, and improve sleep quality in older adults.”

Collagen Supports Skin, Joint, and Gut Health

Many studies suggest that collagen supplementation may be an effective way to counteract the decline in collagen production.

Creatine Optimizes Exercise and Daily Performance

Creatine is an amino acid derivative stored in your muscles and used to create energy for movement. Every cell in the body relies on Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as a source of energy that through muscle contraction, uses ATP and releases Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). Stores of Creatine in your muscles help to quickly turn ADP back to ATP for additional energy.