Category Archives: Aging & Longevity

NAD+ is the Transport Molecule Used by the Body, Not Nicotinamide Riboside

Restoring NAD+ levels in older animals and humans is at the center of efforts to slow or even stop the effects of aging. One method being researched is providing supplements  such as Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) that the body can use to create NAD+. The chart above is from this study published in August 2019 by […]

NAD+ for Metabolism and Brain, NMN for the body?

Researchers use supplementation with NMN, NR and NAD⁺ to restore levels of NAD⁺ in mice, making them look and behave like they did when young and extending their lifespan.

Although they have similar effect in some organs, there may be differences in the effect they have in other tissues throughout the body.