Tag Archives: liver

Meta-Review: NMN Promotes Liver and Muscle Health in Middle Aged and Older Adults

This meta-review found that NMN improves muscle function, reduces insulin resistance, and lowers liver enzyme levels in middle-aged and elderly participants. Summary This meta-analysis of 9 randomized controlled trials with 412 participants evaluated the effects of NMN on muscle and liver function in middle-aged and elderly individuals. The study found that NMN significantly improved muscle […]

Study Finds Berberine Improves Obesity, Glucose, Lipids, & Liver Health in Mice

“Recent studies showed that BBR significantly reduced liver steatosis, improved insulin resistance, alleviated glucose and lipid metabolism disorders, and exhibited therapeutic effects on NAFLD in humans and mice.”

Study Shows NR Protects the Intestine From Damage Caused by Excessive Alcohol Intake

NR Preserved Intestinal Lining Integrity During Excessive Alcohol Intake

“In particular, the intestine, as the main organ of ethanol absorption, is susceptible to serious injury from excess drinking.”

When mice were given alcohol without NR supplementation, it led to higher levels of intestinal contents entering their bloodstream, suggesting damage to the intestinal lining.

Trimethylglycine (TMG) for Restoring Methylation, Homocysteine Levels, Heart Health, and Liver Function

TMG – the Insurance Policy Against Loss of Methyl Groups TMG is one of the most important ways to restore methyl groups because as the name implies, it has three methyl groups to donate. “The reason I take glycine, specifically trimethylglycine is to counter what I think may be going on with an NAD+ booster”… […]