Tag Archives: nmn

New Research with NMN by IV Shows Much Stronger Effect Than Oral Supplementation

There are now 12 studies published to date in humans with NMN supplementation. The previous 11 studies used oral delivery of NMN capsules, and were generally quite positive. This most recent study used a single dose of NMN by IV. Researchers were surprised to find a 75% drop in triglycerides. There haven’t been any previous […]

Intravenous NMN Results in Massive Decrease in Blood Triglyceride Levels

Previous human clinical trials have shown that NAD+ levels can be safely and efficiently replenished by oral NMN supplementation. Until a recent study, however, the safety and efficacy of intravenous NMN had not been firmly established. Intravenous NMN shown to be safe and effective Using 10 healthy volunteers, results indicated that intravenous NMN is both […]

NMN restores kidney function and prevents kidney damage

Use of NMN supplements was shown to activate Sirtuin-1, one of the body’s self repair enzymes, to repair kidney damage and restore kidney function in mice. (1) Kidney damage accumulates with age As we age, we accumulate kidney scarring and tissue hardening, which can impede the kidneys ability to filter proteins in the blood and […]

NAD+ IV increases NAD+ levels in blood plasma 400% in humans

This study was just published that documented changes in plasma and urine levels of NAD+ and its metabolites during and after 750 mg NAD+ intravenous (IV) infusion. A Pilot Study Investigating Changes in the Human Plasma and Urine NAD+ Metabolome During a 6 Hour Intravenous Infusion of NAD+ Surprisingly, no change in plasma (NAD+) or […]

Increasing NMN Transporter in the Brain Reduces Age-Related Muscle Decline

A new study shows that increased levels in the brain of a molecule called Slc128a, which transports NMN into cells, reduces a type of muscle decline in older adults called sarcopenia. Likewise, they showed that reducing levels of Slc128a in the brain caused the muscles to become fatigued and weakened again. Doubling Slc128a Dramatically Improved […]

Why Dr. Sinclair takes NMN instead of NR

There has been little, if any, head to head research published comparing Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). However, Dr. Sinclair recently said he takes NMN instead of NR based on research he did that found NR did not work at all, while NMN increased the endurance in older mice such that they were […]

NAD+ for Metabolism and Brain, NMN for the body?

Researchers use supplementation with NMN, NR and NAD⁺ to restore levels of NAD⁺ in mice, making them look and behave like they did when young and extending their lifespan.

Although they have similar effect in some organs, there may be differences in the effect they have in other tissues throughout the body.